Wednesday 22 August 2012

My Birth part 2: The Wreckoning

I spent the next hour gloating over my defeat of the snake demon. Blissfully unaware of the horrors that were about to face me.

I heard faint noises from outside of the confines of my warm moist home, tapping, knocking and muttered conversation. "What are they planning?" I thought to myself. I closed my eyes for a brief moment to gather my thoughts. I opened them to be faced by the tip of a gigantic steel blade, which tore through the ceiling of my home.

My eyes were burnt by beams of fiery death, which shot through into my brain causing some momentary pain. This was later described to me as light. My eyes managed to to focus, just in time to see not one, but two snake demons descend on me. I tried to defend myself. I hurled body parts, some of which I didn't know I had, at the beasts. I tried biting one of them, but my gums were no match for its thick oily blue skin. I screamed for help from a higher power, knowing fully well that I would get no answer. The demons grabbed me by my mid-section and brought me face to face, with the Devil with a cloth on his face.

I stared into his dark angry blood shot eyes, as a mixture of blood and sweat trickled down from his brow and he said in a muffled voice "I got him".

I guess what I'm trying to say is, regarding to my mother trying to get me to move out the house, "FUCK YOU! I'M NOT LEAVING! NOT AGAIN! AND IF YOU DO HIRE A SURGEON TO COME GET ME, AS GOD BE MY WITNESS, HE WILL NOT TAKE ME ALIVE".

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